Sales Manager 销售经理

Hotel Brand: Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts
Location: China, Beijing, Beijing
Hotel: Beijing Chaoyang U-Town (PEGUT), No. 3 Sanfeng North Area, Chaoyang District, 100020
Job number: 107606
- 确认所分配客户的潜力,并根据洲际酒店业务发展标准操作程序制定客户计划
- 开发指定的客户组合以实现既定目标并最大化盈利能力
- 收集现有和潜在客户的信息,以增加业务
- 有效控制销售费用
- 使用账户互动和公开工具监控竞争对手与酒店和账户组合相关的活动,并根据酒店流程与关键利益相关者分享相关信息
- 向管理层反馈市场状况的变化,包括竞争和市场趋势
- 在适当的情况下参与销售总监的销售拜访和销售会议
- 与上级沟通遇到的任何问题和其他相关信息
- 参加并在适当的时候组织培训课程、每日简报和其他需要的会议
- 在适用的情况下,监督、管理和培训业务发展主管和业务发展协调员履行其职责
- 在自己的业务范围内建立关系网,与关键决策者和其他相关员工建立关系
- 组织客户会议,规划和协调现场参观和检查
- 处理和管理客户的查询或问题
- 积极主动,负责跟进新的销售线索,提升客人的体验
- 发展并保持与业务负责人的联系(会展策划师;旅行社;等等)。
- 确保提供的销售系统中所有相关活动的准确和及时的更新记录(如Delphi;歌剧;等)以供将来参考和控制之用
- 更新帐户和联系资料,附加帐户计划,确保“实时”信息
- 提高酒店和品牌在当地社区的知名度和声誉
Who we are
Join Crowne Plaza one of the largest and best loved premium hotel brands in the world. With more than 420 hotels in diverse locations globally Crowne Plaza is the perfect base to connect on business, pleasure or a blend of both. We've thoughtfully designed our spaces to encourage, support and celebrate great connections. We're also big on meetings and events, a trusted and valued partner for connecting both domestic and global groups alike.
Our branded service style 'Dare to Connect' is crafted for connection. Designed for humans not nameless guests or colleagues. Still professional but touches guests on an emotional level. Where colleagues take their initiative and use their personality because they make a crucial difference in the guest's experience. The role of every colleague at Crowne Plaza is to create memorable emotional connections and the job of every leader is to create an environment where that can happen.
Don't quite meet every single requirement, but still believe you'd be a great fit for the job? We'll never know unless you hit the 'Apply' button. Start your journey with us today.