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Marketing & Communications Manager 市场传媒经理


Hotel Brand: Holiday Inn
Location: China, Shanghai, Shanghai

Hotel: Shanghai Pudong Airport (SHAPT), No. 6201 Yingbin Avenue, Zhuqiao Town, Pudong New Area, 201209

Job number: 132286

  • Develops a public relations programme for the hotel based on its marketing goals. Liaises with Marketing in targeting specific markets and developing the public relations strategies to reach these markets 
  • 依照酒店的市场目标开展公关活动,与市场部门联系,确定具体目标市场并通过公关策略打入这些市场。
  • Develops media contacts, plans press conferences and other press activities. Acts as hotel’s liaison with media to promote good publicity and counteract bad publicity.
  • 与媒体人士联系,策划新闻发布会以及其它新闻活动。代表酒店与媒体联系,以促进良好的公关形象,抵销一切不良影响。
  • Develops and organizes promotional activities, coordinates with departments concerned; invites VIPs and media to promotional activities; prepares and issues press releases
  • 开发和组织促销活动,与相关部门协调,邀请嘉宾和媒体参与促销活动,准备并进行新闻发布。
  • Establishes sales leads from the study of magazines, newspapers and form personal contacts; coordinates sales leads with Banqueting and Sales Departments
  • 通过杂志、报纸和个人关系发现销售机会,与宴会及销售部就销售机会进行协调。
  • Disseminates corporate press releases to appropriate local trade and consumer media
  • 向合适的当地商业和消费者媒体发布公司的新闻。
  • Establishes a programme for sending promotional news to trade publications on a regular basis releases covering special events, promotions, etc.
  • 建立向行业出版物定期发送促销新闻的机制,新闻内容包括特别活动和促销活动等。
  • Prepares promotional press releases on personalities among guests and employees of the hotel and on newsworthy events in the hotel
  • 在酒店的客人和员工中及酒店內开展的活动中公布促销信息。
  • Provides information to other departments on activities within and outside the hotel which may be useful when dealing with guests
  • 向其它部门就酒店内外的活动提供信息,这些信息可能会在与客户交往中发挥作用。
  • Accepts clients and media complaints, requests, and inquiries and coordinates handling with departments concerned
  • 接受客户和媒体的投诉、申请和询问,并协调相关部门进行处理。
  • Coordinates all activities with the Sales Manager
  • 与销售经理就所有活动进行协调。
  • Maintains good public relations by extending personalized service to VIPs. e.g. following up on reservations for VIPs, assisting in greeting VIPs and groups upon their arrival, sending welcome letter to VIP guests
  • 通过向贵宾提供人性化的服务保持良好的公共关系。例如,为贵宾的预订提供后续服务,在贵宾及其随行人员到酒店时协助欢迎活动,向贵宾赠送欢迎信。
  • Coordinates guest lists and invitations for VIP receptions, luncheons, dinners, etc.
  • 就贵宾接待、午餐、晚餐等的名单和请柬等进行协调。
  • Maintains clipping files pertaining to the hotel(s) based on daily perusal of the media and provides same to General Manager, other departments, other hotels, corporate public relations, as appropriate
  • 每日浏览媒体并保留与酒店相关的新闻剪辑,并视情将其呈送至总经理、其它部门、其它酒店和公关部门。
  • Maintains mailing list/contact file
  • 保管邮寄名单和联络档案。
  • Maintains hotel photo file
  • 保管酒店照片档案。
  • Liaises with Human Resource Manager on matters affecting corporate image
  • 与人力资源经理就影响公司形象的相关事宜进行联系。
  • Develop hotel gifts and giveaways
  • 准备酒店礼品和赠品。
  • Builds profile within local market place through attendance at various events and local market place
  • 通过参与当地市场的各种活动在当地市场上树立良好形象。
  • Co-ordinates hotel photography when required
  • 如有需要,协调酒店的摄影活动。
  • Monitors awareness of competitor activities and use information when developing strategies
  • 观察竞争对手的活动并利用此类信息发展战略。
  • Plans and coordinates sponsorship activities
  • 策划和协调赞助活动。
  • Works with superior on manpower planning and management needs
  • 和上级领导一起进行人力规划和管理需求
  • Works with superior in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget
  • 和上级领导一起进行编制和管理部门预算。

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