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Guest Relations Manager 宾客服务经理


Hotel Brand: Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts
Location: China, Guangxi, Beihai

Hotel: Beihai Silver Beach (BHYHI), No. 8, Yintan Fourth Road, Yinhai District, 536000

Job number: 132590

Your day to day  岗位职责

  • Monitor guest relations’ personnel to ensure maximum guest satisfaction through personal recognition and prompt cordial attention from arrival through departure
  • 监督客户关系部工作人员,以确保来宾始终得到礼貌接待及充分的注意和重视,由此实现最大的客人满意度 
  • Monitor guest relations personnel to ensure Priority Club members consistently receive all benefits, repeat guests and other VIP’s receive special recognition and service
  • 监督客户关系部人员的工作,以确保优悦会会员始终得到全部优惠,常客和其它贵宾也得到特别关照 
  • Inspects all VIP rooms prior to arrival
  • 在贵宾到达前对贵宾房进行检查 
  •  Greet VIP guests personally
  • 亲自迎接贵宾
  • Liaise with other departments and necessary outside contracts to ensure excellent service delivery
  • 与其它部门和必要的外部承包商联系,以确保提供高质量的服务
  • Oversee maintenance of efficient repeat guest history system
  • 对高效的常客客史档案系统维护实施监管
  • Promote Inter-Hotel sales and in-house facilities
  • 促进店际销售及完善内部设施
  • Perform such functions as to include but not be limited to:
  • 行使下列功能,包括但不仅限于:
  • Priority Club and regular guest welcome letters
  • 向优悦会会员和常客致欢迎信
  • Solicitation of Priority Club applications
  • 发展优悦会会员
  • Attending to special requests by guests
  • 回应客人提出的特别要求
  • Develop and implement guest telephone contact systems
  • 开发和应用客人电话联系系统
  • Handle guest complaints and refer them as necessary, follows up on corrective action
  • 处理客人投诉,如有必要则将其提交给有关部门,并对纠正措施进行跟进
  • Compile, analyze and control guest relations’ costs
  • 对客户关系部的成本情况进行编写、分析和控制
  • Schedule and attend regular Priority Club and VIP guest cocktail parties and social engagements in an effort to further improve on service delivery
  • 计划并参加优悦会和贵宾的定期鸡尾酒会和社会活动,以便进一步提高服务质量
  • Review arrival lists for all arrivals and VIPs to check room allocations, amenities, and special requests
  • 查阅来客单,检查对客人和贵宾的房间分配情况、各类设施情况以及特别申请 
  • Prepare requisitions for amenities on a timely basis
  • 及时准备设备使用申请
  • Overall responsible for ensuring and maintaining the entire range of services offered for the Club Floor and Club Lounge with the aim to maximum guest satisfaction
  • 确保向行政楼层和行政俱乐部提供全方位的服务,最大程度的获得宾客满意度
  • Appraise appearance, discipline and efficiency of all staff under direct supervision and initiate immediate remedial action if necessary
  • 评估所有员工的外在形象、守纪情况和工作效率并进行直接监管,如有必要,可采取 
  • 直接的纠正措施
  • Organize and conduct regular meeting for all Guest Relation’s staff to facilitate communications and smooth operations
  • 织和召开客户关系部全体人员参加的会议,以加强交流和保证业务的顺利进行
  • Prepare efficient work schedule for Guest Relations Staff, arranging holidays and vacation, taking into consideration project occupancy and forecasts and any large group movements, especially those with early or late arrivals or departures
  • 在考虑酒店入住情况和预测以及大规模的团组活动,特别是关于提前或延迟到达及离店的情况的前提下,为客户关系部员工准备高效的工作计划,安排节日和假日
  • Works with Superior and Human Resources on manpower planning and management needs
  • 与上级领导和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求。
  • Works with Superior and Director of Finance in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget. 
  • 与上级领导和财务总监一起编制和管理部门预算。



Number of employees supervised –


  • Direct    Guest Relations Officer
  • 直接      客户关系主任
  • Indirect      N/A
  • 间接          

Annual Operating Profit/Payroll Budget – 


  • Department Budget
  • 部门预算


Key Metrics – 


  • Department Budget
  • 部门预算 
  • Guest Satisfaction Survey
  • 宾客满意度调查


Decision Making Responsibilities (Decision Rights) –


  • Department Budget
  • 部门预算
  • Matters pertaining to Guest Relations 
  • 与宾客关系相关的事宜
  • Within the authority as assigned for Hotel Band 6 role
  • 酒店职位6级所拥有职权范围


Who we are

At IHG, we’ve made a promise. As one of the world’s leading hotel groups, we’re here to deliver True Hospitality for Good. Making our guests and colleagues feel welcome, cared for, recognised and respected – wherever they are in the world. Want to be part of the journey?

Join Crowne Plaza one of the largest and best loved premium hotel brands in the world. With more than 420 hotels in diverse locations globally Crowne Plaza is the perfect base to connect on business, pleasure or a blend of both. We've thoughtfully designed our spaces to encourage, support and celebrate great connections. We're also big on meetings and events, a trusted and valued partner for connecting both domestic and global groups alike. 

Our branded service style 'Dare to Connect' is crafted for connection. Designed for humans not nameless guests or colleagues. Still professional but touches guests on an emotional level. Where colleagues take their initiative and use their personality because they make a crucial difference in the guest's experience. The role of every colleague at Crowne Plaza is to create memorable emotional connections and the job of every leader is to create an environment where that can happen.

Don't quite meet every single requirement, but still believe you'd be a great fit for the job? We'll never know unless you hit the 'Apply' button. Start your journey with us today.

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