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Hotel Brand: Holiday Inn
Location: China, Shaanxi, Xi'an

Hotel: Xi'an East (SIAXE), No.2650 South Section of Chanhe West Road, Chanba Ecological Zone, 710043

Job number: 110516


1· 负责酒店广告设计, 绘制, 宣传资料的积累及编辑工作;

2· 负责入住酒店的VIP 客人的摄影和欢迎牌的设计制作工作;

3· 负责为大型宴会, 酒会和有关会议制作标语、横幅和指示牌;

4· 负责节日, 纪念活动和庆祝活动的场所布置美化工作;

5· 负责相关部门推广所需的美术设计制作;

6· 负责酒店的服务指南、酒店简介、广告画面、菜谱、请柬、明信片、酒店画册、纪念品、圣诞卡、信封信纸的制作及印刷;

7· 负责检查酒店所有指示牌, 广告牌, 标语牌的完好, 对已旧, 已坏的及时更新更换;

8· 掌握国内外相关信息, 做好资料搜集, 整理, 分析和储备工作, 保证设计的合理性和创新性;

9· 妥善保管、节约使用各种美工工具、材料,保持工作场地整齐清洁;

10· 确保全部设计与出品与所要求的相一致并符合集团的标准;

11· 保存国内外饭店有参考价值的出版物及增刊的设计;

12· 至少精通一种工作语言,并熟悉英文打字,同时了解文体编辑的技巧;

13· 按照饭店要求处理基本摄影工作;

14·  负责完成上级指派的其他任务。


Who we are

At IHG, we’ve made a promise. As one of the world’s leading hotel groups, we’re here to deliver True Hospitality for Good. Making our guests and colleagues feel welcome, cared for, recognised and respected – wherever they are in the world. Want to be part of the journey?

Travel is a journey. We help make it a joy. Starting with a warm, inviting welcome for all guests, whether travelling on business or for fun, enjoying a one night stay, or relaxing for a week. At Holiday Inn®️ we thrive on making our guests stays brighter, helping them create memories that will last a lifetime. Irresistible smiles are our specialty. We should know, we’ve been on our journey since 1952.

So if you can help our guests enjoy the brighter side of travel, we’d love to give you a warm welcome to the Holiday Inn®️ family.

Don't quite meet every single requirement, but still believe you'd be a great fit for the job? We'll never know unless you hit the 'Apply' button. Start your journey with us today.

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