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工程技工 Technician


Hotel Brand: InterContinental
Location: China, Jiangsu, Wuxi

Hotel: Wuxi (WUXHA), No.6 Yonghe Road, Liangxi District, 214000

Job number: 129763

job overview职位概述

Assist the Engineering Supervisor in the maintenance of the whole hotel to ensure high standards in your field of expertise and meet customer needs and expectations.


Duties and Responsibilities工作职责

Financial Returns:财务回报

  • Responsible for hotel decoration, water and electricity maintenance.
  • 负责酒店的装修、水电维修工作
  • Responsible for repairing and repairing all walls, interior and exterior paints of floors, exterior walls, ceilings and equipment, painting of wood or latex paints, and repairing wallpaper, lighting equipment, sanitary ware and water equipment in the hotel area.
  • 负责维修及所有墙面,地板、外墙、天花板和设备的内外漆面、木饰面或乳胶漆的上漆,以及维修酒店区域内的墙纸、照明设备、洁具上下水设备。
  • Responsible for painting doors, windows, wood boards and furniture items.
  • 负责门,窗,木材板和家具物品的上漆。
  • Responsible for all surface preparation before painting or painting.
  • 负责所有表面在油漆或上漆之前的准备工作。
  • Spray paint on equipment, furniture or related surfaces as required.
  • 根据要求进行设备,家具或相关表面的喷漆。
  • Responsible for repairing damaged/broken surfaces, including concrete, plastering, stone carving, prefabricated blocks, walls, wallpaper, decorative leather wraps, floor tiles and marble products.
  • 负责维修损坏/破裂的表面,其包括混凝土、抹灰、石雕、预制切块体、墙壁、墙纸、装饰皮面软包和地板瓷砖及大理石制品。
  • Responsible for maintenance/installation of vinyl plastic floors, wood floors and ceilings.
  • 负责维修/安装乙烯塑料地板、木地板、天花板。
  • 参加酒店节能计划。
  • In the absence of on-duty engineer/chief Engineer guidance, take the initiative and anticipate to proceed with the tasks specified in the preventive maintenance plan.
  • 在没有当班工程师/总工程师指导的情况下,主动并预见性的着手于预防性维修计划中规定的工作任务。
  • Responsible for the service and maintenance of various types of equipment, such as laundry equipment, kitchen equipment, heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment, including motor, water pump, fan, water treatment plant, sewage treatment plant and generator, electric lights and power, closed circuit television, telephone, television, fire fighting and safety equipment and systems.
  • 负责服务和维修各种类型的设备,如洗衣设备、厨房设备、供暖、通风和空调设备,包括电机、水泵、风机、水处理厂、污水处理厂及发电机,电灯和电力、闭路电视、电话、电视、消防和安全设备及系统。
  • Responsible for all types of maintenance work in the hotel, including any new additions/extensions to the hotel or any property matters for hotel maintenance.
  • 负责酒店内所有类型的维修工作,包括酒店的任何新的补充/扩展或酒店维修的任何物业事项。
  • Participation in Hotel Energy Conservation Program.


  • Participate in all on-the-job training according to departmental standards and procedures.
  • 根据部门标准及流程,参加所有的在岗培训
  • Participation in various types of technical and skills training.
  • 参加各种类型的技术和技能培训
  • Ensure compliance with hotel regulations.
  • 确保遵守酒店的规定。
  • Ensure that all subordinate employees work on time and comply with the work schedule.
  • 确保所有的下属员工按时上班并遵守工作时间表。
  • Ensure that personal appearance and hygiene standards are checked. A spot check was conducted in the morning.
  • 确保检查个人仪容仪表和卫生标准。上午进行抽查。
  • Ensure compliance with all engineering standards and procedures issued at any time.
  • 确保随时签发的所有工程标准及流程得以遵守。
  • Ensure full compliance with hotel rules and regulations to avoid any of the following, but not limited to:
  • 确保完全遵守酒店的规章制度,避免以下的任何情况发生,但不限于:
  • Sleep on duty
  • 当班时睡觉
  • Late to work and early to leave
  • 上班迟到、早退
  • P&P, SOP, employee manuals and hotel memorandums, etc.
  • P&PSOP,员工手册及酒店各类备忘录等
  • Failure to follow up customer complaints and repairs
  • 不跟进客人的投诉、报修
  • Non-compliance with standards for appearance and instrumentation
  • 不遵守仪容仪表标准

Guest Experience:宾客体验

  • Complete the tasks on the worksheets required by the various departments of the hotel to meet the needs of the guests.
  • 完成酒店各个部门要求的工作单上的任务,以满足客人的需求。
  • Communicate and cooperate with hotel guests and external contractors when necessary or under the guidance of supervisors.
  • 必要时或在主管的指导下,与酒店客人及外部承包商沟通合作。
  • Communicate and cooperate with other departments when necessary to provide additional or specialized services for banquets, promotions and festivals.
  • 必要时与其他部门沟通合作,为宴会、促销及节日提供额外或专门的服务。


Responsible Business:企业责任:


  • Reflect your understanding of IHG Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) policies and procedures to ensure that all procedures are implemented safely and that your subordinates follow the PPE principles.
  • 体现对IHG个人防护装备(PPE)政策和程序的了解,确保根据PPE原则,安全的执行所有的程序并确保你的下属同样执行。
  • Understanding workplace health and safety concerns and compliance with IHG policies and procedures.
  • 了解关注职责并遵守各种IHG政策及程序相关的工作场所的卫生与安全。
  • Familiar with property safety, first aid and fire emergency procedures, safe and reasonable operation equipment.
  • 熟悉物业安全,急救和消防应急程序,安全而合理的操作设备。
  • Take the initiative to correct the dangerous situation and inform the supervisor of the potential danger.
  • 主动改正危险情况并将潜在的危险通知主管。
  • According to IHG standards, regular fire alarm detection is carried out.
  • 根据IHG标准,定期进行消防警报检测。
  • Record safety incidents and accidents according to hotel requirements.
  • 根据酒店的要求,记录安全事件及事故。
  • Subordinate to the leadership's arrangement and participate in the relevant patrol and duty work of the Ministry of Security.
  • 服从领导的安排参与保安部的相关巡检、值守工作。
  • Ensure the cleanliness of workshops and related areas.
  • 确保工作间和相关区域的整洁状况。
  • Compliance with hotel health, safety and hygiene policies.
  • 遵守酒店的健康、安全与卫生政策。
  • Complete other tasks temporarily assigned by superiors, and strive to create a working atmosphere for Winning Ways to achieve annual/monthly department-related Winning Metrics.
  • 完成上级临时交代的其他工作任务,致力于创建一个Winning Ways的工作氛围,达成年度/月度与部门相关的Winning Metrics
  • According to Performance Review, JD, KPO, Winning Metrics and operational requirements, fully supervise and support the work of subordinates (if subordinates exist, please adjust according to the situation).
  • 根据Performance Review, JD, KPO, Winning Metrics及营运需求,全面监督和支持下属的工作(如有下属,请根据情况调整)。
  • Support, guide and assist subordinates in career development in accordance with PDP and Career Pathway (if subordinates, adjust according to circumstances).
  • 根据相应的PDPCareer Pathway,全面支持、指引并协助下属进行职业生涯发展(如有下属,请根据情况调整)。
  • Perform other duties assigned by superiors.
  • 履行上级分派的其他职责。


This is an important position related to maintenance/engineering in a large full-service, luxury, vacation or flagship hotel. The hotel has a variety of venues and facilities, numerous large catering facilities, large-scale banquet and conference facilities, as well as many VIPs and important guests.



Obtain vocational training and 2 years of work experience in any type of interior decoration. One year of hotel experience is preferred, or equivalent education and work experience. Holding professional qualification certification and permission required by law. (High voltage electrician access permit, maintenance electrician permit, refrigeration permit, elevator manager permit).  


Don't quite meet every single requirement, but still believe you'd be a great fit for the job? We'll never know unless you hit the 'Apply' button. Start your journey with us today.

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