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全日餐厅厨房厨师Commis Chef


Hotel Brand: Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts
Location: China, Fujian, Fuzhou

Hotel: Fuzhou Riverside (FOCCP), 100-1, Jiangbin West Avenue,Taijiang District, 350002

Job number: 112750

  • Produces food of high quality according to standard recipes 
  • 按照标准菜谱制作高质量的食品
  • Assists with the preparation, presentation, decoration and storage of the following dishes:
  • 协助进行以下饭菜的制作、装盘、装饰和存储工作:
  • Meat dishes
  • 荤菜
  • Meat marinades
  • 腌肉
  • Carve meats
  • 割肉
  • Fish and shell fish
  • 水产品
  • Sauces for fish and shell fish
  • 水产品用酱 
  • Garnishing techniques and methods of service for fish
  • 对鱼进行装饰的技巧和方法
  • Pastry, cakes and yeast goods
  • 西饼、蛋糕和发酵食品
  • Petits fours
  • 法式小点心
  • Desserts
  • 甜点
  • Chinese Regional Dishes 
  • 中国地方菜
  • Guangong dishes
  • 粤菜
  • Sichuman dishes
  • 川菜
  • Beijing dishes
  • 北京菜
  • Shanghai dishes
  • 上海菜   
  • Thai Regional Dishes
  • 泰国菜
  • Salads
  • 沙拉
  • Dressings
  • 沙拉酱
  • stocks and soups
  • curries
  • 咖哩
  • Indian Regional Dishes
  • 印度菜
  • appetizers 
  • 开胃菜
  • curries
  • 咖喱
  • vegetables 
  • 蔬菜 
  • Lentils
  • Breads
  • 面包
  • Malay and Nonya Dishes
  • 马来和娘惹菜
  • sambal, acar and urap
  • 咖喱饭调味品、开胃菜和生菜
  • appetizers
  • 开胃菜
  • aeat and seafood curries
  • 肉和海鲜咖喱
  • rice dishes
  • 米饭
  • noodle dishes
  • 面条
  • Indonesian Dishes
  • 印尼菜
  • sambal, acar and urap
  • 咖喱饭调味品、开胃菜和生菜
  • appetizers
  • 开胃菜
  • meat and seafood curries
  • 肉和海鲜咖喱
  • rice dishes
  • 米饭
  • noodle dishes
  • 面条
  • Japanese Dishes
  • 日本菜
  • Gohanmono
  • 米饭
  • Stocks and soups
  • Sashimi
  • 刺身
  • Tmpura
  • 天妇罗
  • Nabemono
  • 锅类
  • Noodles
  • 面条
  • Vietnamese Dishes
  • 越南菜
  • appetizers and their dressings
  • 开胃菜和调味品
  • stocks and soups
  • chicken, meat, seafood and vegetable dishes
  • 鸡肉、肉、海鲜和蔬菜菜肴
  • Asian Dishes
  • 亚洲菜
  • liquid and solid deserts
  • 液体和固体甜点
  • steamed sweet rice based desserts
  • 甜米加甜点
  • baked desserts
  • 烤制甜点
  • Dim Sum
  • 点心
  • sweet and savoury dim sum
  • 可口甜点
  • deep fried dim sum
  • 油炸点心
  • Buffet Food
  • 自助餐
  • Preparation
  • 制作
  • Storage
  • 储存
  • Communicates politely and display courtesy to guests and internal customers
  • 与客人和内部客户礼貌、友好的交流。
  • Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Cooks, Kitchen Attendants and Stewards
  • 指导厨房帮手,包括厨师、厨房服务员和管事的工作。
  • Communicates to his/her superior any difficulties, guest or internal customer comment and other relevant information 
  • 与上级交流疑难问题,客人或内部客户的意见以及其它相关信息。
  • Establishes and maintains effective employee working relationships
  • 与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系。
  • Attends and participates in daily briefings and other meetings as scheduled
  • 按计划参加并参与每日例会及其它会议。
  • Attends and participates in training sessions as scheduled
  • 按计划参加培训活动。
  • Prepares in advance food, beverage, material and equipment needed for the service
  • 事先准备服务所需的食品、饮料、材料和设备。
  • Cleans and re-sets his/her working area
  • 清洁并整理工作区域。
  • Implements the hotel and department regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to:
  • 实施酒店和部门的规定、政策和工作程序,包括但不限于: 
  • House Rules and Regulation
  • 酒店的规则和规定
  • Health and Safety
  • 健康和安全
  • Grooming
  • 仪容
  • Quality 
  • 质量
  • Hygiene and Cleanliness 
  • 卫生和清洁
  • Performs related duties and special projects as assigned
  • 执行被分派的相关任务和特殊项目。

Don't quite meet every single requirement, but still believe you'd be a great fit for the job? We'll never know unless you hit the 'Apply' button. Start your journey with us today.

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