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保安部主管 Security Officer


Hotel Brand: InterContinental
Location: China, Jiangsu, Wuxi

Hotel: Wuxi (WUXHA), No.6 Yonghe Road, Liangxi District, 214000

Job number: 129765

job overview职位概述

·        Perform hotel security dutiesand procedures to ensure the safety and security of guests, employees and theproperty as well as the property’s assets


·        执行酒店的安全职责和程序以确保客人,员工和酒店以及酒店资产的安全。


At InterContinentalHotels & Resorts® we want our guests to feel special, cosmopolitanand In the Know which means we need you to:

·     Be charming by being approachable, having confidence and showing respect.

·     Stay in the moment by understanding and anticipating guests’ needs, being attentiveand taking ownership of getting things done.

·    Make it memorable by being knowledgeable, sharing stories and showing your style tocreate moments that make people feel special.


·     亲切、充满自信、体现尊重来展现富有魅力的你。

·     理解和预测宾客的需要、做到细心周到、具主人翁精神、把事情办好,保持专注当下。

·    见多识广、分享阅历、展现你的风格来创造令人感觉特别的时刻,做到令人难忘。



Duties andResponsibilities工作职责

·        Responsible for the safety andsecurity of guests, employees and establishment needs

·        负责酒店宾客、员工及设施的安全保卫工作

·        Report to Manager all hotelproperty deficiencies and safety or security hazards

·        向经理汇报酒店所有的财产损坏和安全危险问题

·        Initiate action to improve ahazardous situation immediately

·        采取行动以便迅速处理危急情况

·        Implement procedures forsecurity and emergency incidents

·        执行安全和紧急事件处理程序

·        In the event of fire, bethoroughly familiar with and guided by the hotel’s emergency plan

·        发生火灾时,应熟知并按照酒店应急事件处理要求进行工作

·        Be familiar with location offire alarms and fire fighting equipment

·        熟悉消防报警及灭火器材的位置

·        Maintain the security system

·        维护酒店安全系统

·        Monitor staff clocking on andoff duty

·        监督员工上下班考勤

·        Allocate staff locker keys asnecessary

·        必要时分发员工储物柜钥匙

·        Conduct random checks of keyregisters in telephone room, banqueting, engineering, stewarding andhousekeeping to ensure the hotel’s key control policy is adhered to and reporton discrepancies

·        抽查话务室、宴会厅、工程部、餐具储物间、客房部的钥匙登记记录,确保酒店的钥匙控制制度得以遵守并报告违背制度要求的情况

·        Maintain a 24 hour surveillanceof those areas that are frequented by guests and all work areas

·        24小时监督客人经常光临及所有工作区域的安全状况

·        Maintain a vigil on the closedcircuit TV system and inform security officer on patrol duties of any unusualhappenings

·        监督闭路监视系统并通知巡逻保安人员异常情况

·        Ensure checks are conducted onfire panel, fire hose real outlets and fire barriers and all other safetyequipment and ensure that all are in good working order and report to theSafety Manager any item of equipment which is faulty

·        定期检查火灾盘,消防水带的出水口和防火间隔等消防灭火器材及其他安全设备,确保其处于良好的工作状态,并向保安部经理汇报失效设备

·        Ensure hotel alarm system is ingood working order

·        确保酒店报警系统的正常工作

·        Maintain a good workingknowledge of the following:

·        保持良好的业务知识,包括:

o   The control points and theworking of the hotel’s gas and air conditioning system

o   酒店各控制点,燃气、空调系统的正常工作

o   The hotel’s fire indicatorboard, fire wardens telephones and public address system

o   酒店火警提示牌、火警警报电话及消防扩音系统

·        Maintain a daily log ofincidents

·        保留事故记录日志

·        Conduct regular locker checksin line with Human Resources

·        按照酒店制度要求定期检查员工储物柜

·        Check all packages and passesof employees entering and leaving the building

·        检查出入酒店员工的随身携带物品

·        Carry out monthly fireinspections

·        每月进行消防检查

·        Maintain a good knowledge ofthe liquor act and criminal code

·        掌握有关治安管理处罚法

·        Prevent gambling on hotelpremises

·         禁止在酒店内赌博行为                           

·        Prevent Sabotage of hotelpremises

·        禁止毁坏酒店设施的行为

·        Ensure all outlets, fridges,cupboards etc are fully secured when not in use or unattended

·        确保所有未被使用的电源插座、冰箱、厨柜等的安全

·        Ensure no undesirables loiterin or around the hotel premises

·        确保不受欢迎的人员不在酒店内或酒店周围出现

·        Ensure there is no obstructionto the loading dock and that unauthorized vehicles are removed

·        确保裝卸区无障碍,未经批准的车辆不得入内

·        Coordinate functions with othersecurity staff or Police and other government Securities and promote good willwith them      

·        与其他保安人员或警方或政府其它安保部门协调工作,并与其建立良好关系

·        Implement the hotel policiesand procedures and advise Superiors and Human Resources of action taken

·        执行酒店的各项规章制度,并向上级领导和财务及业务支持经理提出改进建议

·        Be correct, secure andcourteous in handling any disciplinary or criminal case         

·        正确、安全、礼貌地处理各类违规及犯罪案件

·        Be alert for any unusualpackages, guests or vehicles and advise superior of same

·        对于异常的行李、客人或车辆保持高度警惕,并向上级领导汇报相关情况

·        Be thoroughly familiar of theproperty layout, design, entry and exit points

·        熟悉酒店布局、设计及出入口的情况

·        Make way by escorting VIPs anddignitaries when directed and direct traffic away from Lobby and other busythorough fares

·        按照指示对酒店重要客人及重要官员提供护卫,保证大堂及其他繁杂区域的正常秩序

·        Ensure that the safety controloffice is never left unattended

·        确保安全控制办公室无缺岗情况

·        Provide escort duty for moneytransfers to the General Cashier’s office or bank as required

·        按照要求对酒店与银行之间的现金转移提供护卫




Number of employees supervised –


Direct    Security Guard

直接       保安员

Indirect     NA

间接         无


RequiredSkills –


·        Certification in safety andtraining and/or licensed as a Security Officer or Law Enforcement Officer maybe required.  Certified CPR, First Aidinstructor and training in law enforcement techniques desired. 

·        拥有安全和培训及保安人员和执法人员的证书。认证的CPR,救生培训员及接受过必要的执法技巧培训。

·        Working knowledge of locallaws, investigation methods, OSHA requirements and fire codes and life safetycodes.

·        具有本地法律,调查手段,OSHA要求和消防规范及生命安全规范的工作知识。



Qualifications –


·        High School or vocationaltraining

·        高中文化或职业培训



Experience –


·        1 year of security and safetyexperience and/or military/law enforcement experience, or an equivalentcombination of education and experience


·        具有一年保安经验和军队或执法经验,或与此相当的教育与工作经验结合的背景

Don't quite meet every single requirement, but still believe you'd be a great fit for the job? We'll never know unless you hit the 'Apply' button. Start your journey with us today.

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